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Friday 2 July schedule is:
9:30 (Madrid Time) R. M. Benito (Plenary), Unveiling human behavior and political polarization through online social networks (Chair Samuel Martín-Gutiérrez)
10:15 R. Mateos de Cabo (Invited), Asymmetric Diffusion in a Complex Network: The Presence of Women on Boards
10:45 M. L. Mouronte-López, A study of the robustness of public transport networks
11:00 J. Atienza-Barthelemy, Analysing the use of language in Twitter conversations about territorial conflicts
11:15 BREAK
11:45 G. Fibich (Plenary), The discrete Bass model – diffusion of new products and epidemics (Chair R. M. Benito)
12:30 G. Huguet, Phase dynamics and neuronal communication for an exact firing rate model
12:45 L. Martínez-Vaquero, Evolutionary dynamics of signalling and reciprocity in repeated group interactions
13:00 M. Pardo Araujo, Inferring human-mosquito encounters from citizen science data to estimate vector risk exposure
13:15 E. Fernández Domingos, Modeling behavioral experiments on uncertainty and cooperation with population-based reinforcement learning
13:30 Lunch
15:00 F. Villatoro (Plenary), Pseudo-breathers and oscillons (Chair Fabio Revuelta)
15:45 N. R. Quintero, Driven nonlinear Dirac equation with a spatially periodic force
16:00 M. Garzón, Motions of a charged particle in the electromagnetic field induced by a non-stationary current
16:15 F. J. Martín-Pasquín, Deterministic biased brownian motion in coupled chaotic oscillators
16:30 O. Rodríguez del Río, Generalization of a method by Mossotti for initial orbit determination
16:45 Closing (NoLineal 2023)
Thursday 1 July schedule is:
9:30 (Madrid Time) A. Neishtadt (Plenary), On destruction of adiabatic invariance (Chair M. Ollé)
10:15 F. Borondo (Invited), Bohr-Sommerfeld-like quantization in the theory of walking droplets
10:45 P. Moreno-Spiegelberg, Travelling pulses in Class-I excitable media
11:00 Á. García López, On an electrodynamic origin of the wave-particle duality
11:15 BREAK (Only)
11:45 A.M. Mancho (Plenary), A geometrical approach to transport across the West African Monsoon (Chair F. Borondo)
12:30 H. Skokos (Invited), Chaotic behavior of disordered Hamiltonian systems
13:00 L. Escot, Can chaos theory improve the predictability of non-chaotic time series? A Lyapunov simulated-based approach to make long-run time series predictions
13:15 J. Montes, Lagrangian descriptors and regular motion
13:30 Lunch (Only)
15:00 P. Martín (Invited), Chaotic scattering of collisions of He atoms off a Cu surface (Chair F. Borondo)
15:30 M. Ollé (Invited), The parametrization method for a time periodic system. Application to the He-Cu problem
16:00 B. M. Manda, Nonequilibrium chaos of wave spreading in two-dimensional disordered lattices
16:15 F. Martín-Vergara, Kink-antikink collisions for the graphene superlattice equation
16:30 Hillebrand, Chaotic dynamics in a planar model of Graphene
16:45 BREAK (Only)
17:15 D. Perán, Normal forms for hyperbolic logarithmic transseries (Chair P. Martín)
17:30 D. I. Sinelshchikov, Nonlocal deformations of autonomous invariant curves for Liénard-type equations
17:45 A. Blasco Sanz, Integrable deformations of a bi-hamiltonian Rikitake type system: a Poisson-Lie groups approach
18:00 R. Huzak, Period function of planar turning points
Wednesday 30 June schedule is:
9:15 Welcome (M. A. Porras)
9:30 B. A. Malomed (Plenary), Multidimensional Solitons (Chair M. A. Porras)
10:15 G. L. Alfimov, Nonlinear modes and pseudo-modes for NLS equation with complex potential
10:30 A. Biasi, Solvable Weak Turbulence in Physical Systems
10:45 J. Sánchez-Curto, Total transparency at diffusive Kerr-type interfaces
11:00 P. Albares, Integrability and soliton solutions for a nonlinear model of spin transport in helical molecules
11:15 BREAK
11:45 Y. V. Kartashov (Plenary), Topological Edge Solitons and Lasing in Floquet Insulators (Chair B. A. Malomed)
12:30 M. I. Molina, The fractional discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation
12:45 O. Kliushnichenko, Effects of Nonlinear Collective Dynamical Screening: Diffusive Shock Waves and Post-Soliton Structures
13:00 L. Al Sakkaf, Superpostion principle and composite solutions to coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations
13:15 D. Dolinina, Spontaneous symmetry breaking in lasers with periodically modulated gain and refractive index
13:30 LUNCH
15:00 C. Conti (Plenary), Neuromorphic computing by waves (Chair M. A. Porras)
15:45 G. Astrakharchik, Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of a many-body bright soliton
16:00 N. P. Proukakis, Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantized Vortices in an Ultracold Josephson Junction
16:15 B. Nicolás, Capturing an asteroid through L$_3$ invariant manifolds in a Sun perturbed Earth-Moon system
16:30 G. Baù, On the Sun-shadow dynamics
16:45 BREAK
17:15 POSTER SESSION (one hour)
See the general schedule and titles of plenary, invited and oral communications at talks page. See how to prepare posters and upload them at poster page.
Important dates:
Reception of Abstracts: from March 15 to May 15, 2021.
Pre-registration: from March 15 to May 15, 2021.
Notice of Acceptance: before May 23, 2021.
Early payment and registration (50€, 0€ students): until June 6, 2021.
Late payment and registration (75 €): from June 7, 2021.
About NoLineal 20-21:
NoLineal 20-21 (Madrid, June 30-July 2, 2021) is the 12th in a series of conferences previously held in Ávila (1997), Almagro (2000), Cuenca (2002), Toledo (2004), Ciudad Real (2007), Barcelona (2008), Cartagena (2010), Zaragoza (2012), Badajoz (2014), Seville (2016) and Málaga (2018).
Topics are Nonlinear Science, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Chaos, Nonlinear Waves and Solitons, Complex Systems and Computational Physics.
The aim of this conference is to offer senior and young researchers of different areas, such as Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Economics, Social Sciences, etc, the possibility to share their latest results in this interdisciplinary meeting.
This international conference is open to researchers from all around the world. All invited lectures will be given by leading scientists.
Participants are strongly encouraged to present and discuss their own research, especially during oral or poster sessions.
The congress will take place online.
Plenary speakers:
Anatoly Neishtadt (Loughborough University, United Kingdom, & Space Research Institute, Russia )
Rosa María Benito (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Boris A. Malomed (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Claudio Conti (Sapienza University, Italy)
Gadi Fibich (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Yaroslav V. Kartashov (Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Russia, & ICFO, Spain)
Ana María Mancho (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas-ICMAT, Spain)
Francisco R. Villatoro (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)